Hmmm, that "two for one" kind of idea (using both heat muffs AND heater cores if need be) sounds interesting. As for if you need more heat, well, I suppose one could just buy clothing with those electrical heaters built in (or shop at MEC or equivalent!)

With the Rotec, I was originally thinking it would be a nice engine (okay, fine, I love the sound of rotary engines), but I've seen a number of comments on weight (it's heavier than the 912/914's), the ensuing possible weight and balance issues, and then you add in the fact it's not as easy to get cabin heat from I quickly decided that the perks (sound, look, and the obligatory oil burping when it starts) did not outweigh the various hassles such an install has the possibility of bringing.

...Now to just get a garage and the money for the kit! *grins* (Oh, I suppose I should probably get my private pilot's license too, given that C-YXD is like.. a five minute bike ride away - I wish YQL was 5 minutes away, I've been craving Yoyo's crepes for like six months now!!)