Agree with AKFlyer. Hard not to sound a little 'old school' here but the fundamental things that Kitfox flying teaches are good lessons in any airplane. Coordinated turns in my M2 for example are like perfect landings...a little hard to come by and very satisfying when accomplished. The turn coord ball sometimes tends to act more like the wet compass in when it comes to keeping it centered.

Having to pay a little more attention to the engine gauges is also a good habit to develop and one that I didn't get into while learning in the 150 some 40 yrs ago. I'm pretty comfortable behind my 582 now after some experience, but wouldn't be if I didn't have the EGT and coolant temp gauges to frequently glance at.

Even without including the 'tail dragger vs nose dragger' argument, I think that anyone learning from the start in a Kitfox would be a better pilot for it and transitioning to a conventional plane would be a lot easier than vice versa.

Chris Carlisle
Model 2, 582, C box
Sioux Falls, SD