Mexican Mountain Trip Part 1

Test post.....

Last July I was sitting around and realized I hadn't made any plans for the first part of the 4th of July weekend so I decided I would try and head to Mexican Mountain, UT for an overnight trip. I had heard about the strip from some Kitfox flyers in the Denver area. Checked the weather and with a big fat "H" on the map sitting over the Rockies for a few days it looked good to give it a shot. Some great info on Mexican Mountain was available on the Utah Backcountry Pilots Assn website So I plotted my way out from the Front Range via Cameron Pass, Steamboat Springs, fuel up in Meeker Colorado and stopping at Green River for fuel before heading the last 20 or so miles into the Mexican Mountain airstrip. Some notes I had made were:

-Approx 4 hours flying time
-Airstrip kind of primitive but smooth enough, a few tall bushes along the edge of the runway
-Forgot the airstrip was at ~4000 elevation, packed camping gear for much cooler higher elevation mountain camping. Was a bit hotter than expected, oh yeah, its July!!! Next time warm weather gear.
-Bug spray needed
-Cool native petroglyphs on the rocks
-Neat hiking area
-Super scenery
-Awesome night sky
-Not a soul for miles
-Good camping sites along side of runway
-Pack everything in and out, bring plenty of water in the hot months.
-Right next to San Rafael River

Flying just out West of Steamboat Springs still had snow on the hillsides:

A little bit after the refuel stop in Meeker the mountainous range continues. Not alot of "good" landing sites but plenty you could "walk away from".:

But as you get a little East of Green River Utah, my last stop before heading up the San Rafael things fold out flat: