I didn’t like the adjustable rudder pedals geometry as designed.

The pedal movement is fine when adjusted to the forward position. However, when the pedals are in the aft position, the movement is an awkward upward arc.

The factory placement puts the rudder torque tube 2–7/16” aft of the firewall. I relocated the torque tube at 3-1/2” aft of the firewall. The pedal geometry and movement improved significantly.

By moving the torque tubes aft about one inch, the pedal assembly rotates into a more natural position in line with the pilot’s feet. The brake pedals also rotate slightly forward. The new position reduces torque tube interference with the brake cylinders and improves the brake line clearances.

Because the brake pedals are the limiting factor, foot clearance with the pedals all the way forward remains virtually unchanged.

John Pitkin
Greenville, TX