I did a search of the archives and found a few references to installing the rudder with the speed kit. I see I’m not the first to have a problem with the rudder stops and the speed kit option.

The instructions direct the builder to file the stops on the fuselage to allow 25 degrees of movement. My rudder moves farther than 25 degrees and it strikes the elevator before the stops make contact. It appears the horizontal stops on the fuselage are about 1/8 inch too short.

Everything is squeezed in as tight as it can be. The rear spar fairing is bonded tightly to the rear spar without any gap. The rod ends are screwed in as far as they can go without the rudder leading edge fairing hitting the rear spar fairing. The rudder leading edge fairing is trimmed and tight against the rudder ribs.

And yet, the stops are still too short.

Others have riveted/bolted and bonded a “U” shaped metal piece to act as a new stop. That's certainly one solution

I’m considering the following:
Drill the rudder stop tabs and install AN3-5A bolts and nuts with the heads on the forward side of the tab. The head of an AN3 bolt would contact the fuselage stop and it would be just the right thickness. It can be filed or shimmed to adjust the throw.

Your comments are appreciated.

Oh… Did I mention how much fun it is installing the rudder bolts through those little slots in the fairing?

John Pitkin
Greenville, TX