Tucker, Welcome to TeamKitfox.com. It's great to see your generation enthusiastic about aviation. You and Ty are the future of this nation and of general aviation. It's been a real pleasure to see Ty grow up loving flight as much as his dad does. Can't think of a better legacy to hand down to your son or daughter than flight. Ty's been attending our little get together since it's inception and we hope he continues until he's sick of hanging around us old guys. He's developing skills that will serve him well in the years to come.
Keep after your passion Tucker. Your grandfather has given you a precious gift and hopefully one day soon you'll be able to repay him by taking him up for a flight.

Join EAA and the local EAA chapter. Soak up everything you can. You might end up president of your local chapter down the road. Good luck on the Kitfox build. You can do it.

Enjoy every flight.