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Thread: Rotax Mandatory Service Bulletins

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2019
    Leavenworth WA

    Default Rotax Mandatory Service Bulletins

    Got the two bulletins from Rotax and am I reading this right? Before 25 more engine hours or within the year I have to send the engine to a Rotax facility to have them do their 'inspection/replacement'? I guess it's on their dime if I go to a Rotax facility but that puts the plane down for how long? Tell me I read this wrong.........please.

    Gary (Geek) Phenning
    Leavenworth (Not the Prison), WA
    Kitfox STi N68SG

  2. #2
    Senior Member jiott's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rotax Mandatory Service Bulletins

    Read the bulletins completely, but my take on a quick read (my engine S/N does not apply) is that the coolant tank connection welds can be easily inspected in place by just draining some coolant out and carefully inspecting the insides with a boroscope (which every engine mechanic should have) for incomplete welds. The other bulletin requires inspection of a oil lube nozzle in the rear of the engine. This is course is invasive and requires removal of the engine, I believe, however there is an alternate that uses an oil flow test that can be done in place using some special test items. Good luck.
    Jim Ott
    Portland, OR
    Kitfox SS7 flying
    Rotax 912ULS

  3. #3
    Senior Member jiott's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rotax Mandatory Service Bulletins

    Can someone tell me the difference between a Rotax MANDATORY Service Bulletin and an ALERT Service Bulletin? They are both Mandatory aren't they?
    Jim Ott
    Portland, OR
    Kitfox SS7 flying
    Rotax 912ULS

  4. #4
    Senior Member Kitfox Pilot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rotax Mandatory Service Bulletins

    Quote Originally Posted by Geek View Post
    Got the two bulletins from Rotax and am I reading this right? Before 25 more engine hours or within the year I have to send the engine to a Rotax facility to have them do their 'inspection/replacement'? I guess it's on their dime if I go to a Rotax facility but that puts the plane down for how long? Tell me I read this wrong.........please.

    Gary it does state if you have over 200 hours without failure you are clear of the oil sprayer part. Not sure where you are on hours.
    Harlan and Susan Payne
    Flying FarmFox STI Kitfox N61HP
    Rotax 915is, Airmaster prop.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Rotax Mandatory Service Bulletins

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitfox Pilot View Post
    Gary it does state if you have over 200 hours without failure you are clear of the oil sprayer part. Not sure where you are on hours.
    Yeah I wish Harlan. About 30 hours and a S/N right in the heart of the envelope. I've tried to read that thing seven ways from Sunday trying to find an exemption but But the good news is that I found an Independent Rotax Maintenance Technician at my airport. Knew he was an A&P IA there but didn't know he was an IRMT. So while I have to remove the motor, he can do the inspection in my hangar!! So at least it won't be one of those drop the engine, take it somewhere a ways away, wait till they can do the inspection, go back and get the motor and then install it. I'm gonna be happy with small miracles there.

    Hope you and the family had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to a great new year

    Gary (Geek) Phenning
    Leavenworth (Not the Prison), WA
    Kitfox STi N68SG

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default Re: Rotax Mandatory Service Bulletins


    I was about six months behind you in the build and have just got my final paper work after testing so I am now free to fly. My engine (912 IS2 SPORT) was delivered in January 2022 the serial number (77056XX) is about 400 short of the affected non certified engine serial numbers (7706003), your engine is one of the limited editions ones (RED) which were available before I ordered mine so I think it should not be affected.

    If you are affected I think you can do the Inspection of the oil spray nozzle with the engine on the aircraft.

    Good Luck


  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Rotax Mandatory Service Bulletins

    Congrats on getting the plane done!! Great way to start the new year!!

    I gotta admit that my opinion is that Rotax has had some major carnal knowledge with the canine in how they have handled this bulletin. They come out with the original that says the serial numbers are 7702217 to 10008922 and it's the one with all the info on how to do the inspection. Then they come out with one marked as a revision that says you can look up the serial numbers using search (CTRL+F). Last but not least a third one (with the same number as the original that has a new list of 7706003 to 10008980. Not exactly giving me a bunch of confidence in they actually know which ones are affected. Guess I shouldn't complain since mine (77058XX) ducks the bullet if I believe the last version of the list (looks like you ducked too) rather than the original. There is part of me that want's to go ahead and check it anyway but think I'll sit in the hold short for now.

    Not sure how yours looks but there's no way I could get the pressure testing apparatus they show in the first bulletin, into the back of my engine with it installed.

    Appreciate your referencing the 'new' serial numbers or I am not sure I would have noticed they were different.

    Gary (Geek) Phenning
    Leavenworth (Not the Prison), WA
    Kitfox STi N68SG

  8. #8

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    Jul 2020

    Default Re: Rotax Mandatory Service Bulletins

    That's good news Gary, best get 200 hours on quick before they change their minds.


  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Tupper Lake, New York

    Default Re: Rotax Mandatory Service Bulletins

    What are the serial numbers that are affected by the service bulletin? I'm completely confused by how to find the information I even paid for a subscription to Rotax Owner forum because I though they had the non certified list only to see it says use control f to search for serial numbers. EDIT I think I finally found he non certified list.
    Last edited by ADK-Flyer; 01-06-2025 at 04:32 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default Re: Rotax Mandatory Service Bulletins

    The serial numbers for the certified and non non certified engines for some reason are only on the SB's for the certified engines if that makes sense.


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