KitFox Series 7 Super Sport project for sale. Standard wing, Grove gear and smooth 8.50x6 Tundra tires.
All kits through Firewall Forward kit (fits 912is), less engine and propeller. Many extras and upgrades included - $55,800
Located in NE Oregon
All wood parts are varnished. Tail surface tips are formed and complete. Rudders and elevators are fitted with electric trim and sensor installed. All control mechanisms, rudder pedals, aileron, elevator, control stick, flap controls and adjustable rudder pedals are installed. Floorboards and seat pans are fitted and installed. Wings have been fitted and rigged at the factory.
List of Kits:
- Fuselage Kit
- Wing Kit
- Firewall Forward Kit (fits 912is)
- Upholstery Kit
List of Upgrades:
- AeroLED Pulsar Series Wingtip Strobe/Position lights
- AeroLED SunTail Light and housing Kit
- AeroLED Micro Sun Landing Light
- Streamlined Lift Strut Kit
- Pre-Fabricated Bracket Kit
- Alaskan Bush Tailwheel 8? and Aluminum TW Spring Kit
- Aero Classic 850x6 smooth Tundra tires
- Extended Cargo Bay
- Turtle Deck Hinge Kit
- Cabin heat kit for Rotax
- Dual Brake Kit
- Adjustable Rudder Pedal Kit with lighter brake pedals
- Bubble Doors
- Streamline Horizontal tail struts
- Speedster Tail Kit
- Trim Position Sensor
- Safety Trim Booster
- Trim Assist Kit
- Vent Kit
- Center Console Placards
- Autopilot install bracket kit Roll & Pitch
- Parking Brake Kit
- Upgraded Crow 4-point seatbelts with shoulder Padding and rotating buckle
Omitted: Returned to KitFox but all other covering supplies included.
- Poly-Brush
- Poly-Tak
- Poly-Fiber Reducer
- Garmin G3X package available separately.
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Some items in the photos not available with the kit.