I ended up going back a page and found the diagram where it states to countersink the aft outboard hole for the screw instead of a bolt to provide room between bracket and console side. The only thing in this section that I'm still uncertain about is whether I'm just using the aluminum rivets to attach the brackets to the console or sourcing stainless steel rivets. In the diagram it shows to use H or J to attach and in the older online manual found on Kitfox it shows H being stainless steel rivets provided with premade bracket kit and J being aluminum rivets for builder made brackets. In my manual the diagram is the same but H is the bolts you use in the bracket that go through the bushing and J is the aluminum rivets. This is why I looked ahead to the optional parts instructions. I'm assuming these were never updated as they again call for stainless rivets to be used on console. I'm guessing they've switched to using aluminum for all installs but I may have to call to confirm.