Sorry to hear about this crash, glad they survived. Having flown helicopters down in the wire environment for a lot of my career, EMS flights into night scenes, Animal surveys, Ag work, etc., I can appreciate the frustration of finding ( and thankfully not hitting) unmarked wires. It's the nature of the beast, flying low is fun and often necessary for the job, but the risk factor goes way up.
One thing I did to mitigate risk is I took an old sectional chart and met with our local power utility Chief Pilot who had lots of experience flying near streams, creeks and rivers at treetop altitudes near Phoenix, where I was based. We sat down for a couple of hours and I marked every hazard he knew of in his area of expertise.

That hazard map saved my bacon numerous times and although I didn't let my guard down, it was very helpful to keep one on their toes knowing a set of wires was just around the next bend. Might be something that those of us low flyers might want to consider doing for their area and then sharing with their fellow aviators.