I have an oil cooler and I've installed an oil cooler thermostat on my 912 ULS. The thermostat opens at 180-190 F. The normal oil temp operating range in the Rotax operating manual is 190-230 F. I've only got 85 hours on the engine to date and I've noted that the engine oil temp usually operates at close to 180 after warm up, with up to 200 during operation at hot ambient temp. I've read that to eliminate moisture from the engine oil, to prevent internal engine corrosion over time, that the engine oil should be operated at temps above 200 F. Should I be looking for a replacement thermostat with a higher temp setting? Is there a concensis on the best thermostat to buy and what its operating temp set point should be? I appreciate any informed opinions based on your experience and judgement. The following is a picture of the cheap thermostat I bought from Kitfox a few years back and I'm assuming that its temp set point is fixed and can't be altered. There are no oil thermostats in the current Kitfox parts catalog.