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Thread: Oil Cooler Thermostat

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Apr 2023

    Default Re: Oil Cooler Thermostat

    Is there any sense in running an oil thermostat in addition to shutters/louvres over the oil cooler?

  2. #12
    patrick.hvac's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Default Re: Oil Cooler Thermostat

    Quote Originally Posted by dothedr3w View Post
    Is there any sense in running an oil thermostat in addition to shutters/louvres over the oil cooler?
    In my opinion, depends on the climate, but yes.
    I have the cabin heater on my radiator thermostat bypass line, which removes heat from the heads as well as an oil thermostat. Oil normal is 190-230F (Rotax manual)
    I have found that in cold ambient temps (<15F) the oil cooler and radiator are in full bypass and I am not able to stay above 212 even in a climb, also run out of cabin heat. It stays above minimum (120F) easily but I need tape or shutters to have useful heat and drive out moisture from the oil.
    Flying | SS7 | G3X | Edge 912

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