Hello all, I am building a 7STi and live in northern California near Mt. Shasta. Hence the hastily chosen name of "Shasta Fox".

I received my kit in December 2022 (10 months ago) but I only started it in September 2023 (last month) after my new garage/shop was finally finished and ready. (had only a 1-car garage before!)

Although I have always found this forum difficult to search and peruse :-( I am going to start this thread for my build so that I can post questions in the hope that some kind souls can occasionally help me out. (I understand that Brandon from Kitfox lurks here as well, so hopefully this is a good way to get his input and advice)

If I understand how this works (and I may not), I will post everything about my build (questions, status, etc) as "replies" to this thread I am starting now in the "Members Build Logs" forum. That appears to be how other "build threads" are organized. Hopefully I'm doing it right.

Glenn Sisson
Kitfox 7STi - building
Super Decathlon - sold
C-152 Aerobat - sold