I would echo Jim's comments about waiting to order avionics (written by a guy with a pile of Dynon gear sitting in a box!) and add a few thoughts.

- You've selected LRUs from more than one brand. Make sure they can all talk to one another so you can take advantage of all available features (i.e. can the radio accept frequency inputs from the EFIS?).

- There's enough real estate for 10" EFIS screens but you selected 7" screens. If you're planning to make it an IFR panel, I would strongly recommend the largest screen that will fit in front of the pilot. One big advantage of an EFIS over traditional instruments is their ability to present a large volume of information in an intuitive and easily-interpreted way. Cramming all of that into a small screen partially defeats that advantage. It gets worse in split-screen presentations that shrink the flight instruments to half-screen size, and touch-screen targets are smaller and harder to accurately tap in turbulence.

- Consider whether you plan to use a portable device like an iPad, and what EFB application you like best. Then check which EFIS ecosystem works seamlessly with your preferred EFB.

- An IFR panel will require a certified navigator (Garmin, minimum $5k, or Avidyne, minimum $12k). You can save panel space and weight, and perhaps realize some small financial savings by combining your radio or transponder into the IFR navigator, but that's a decision best made up front; upgrading later makes it more difficult.

- Have you flown a Kitfox? It's a very maneuverable airplane. I'm not saying a Kitfox can't be flown in IMC, but it's not the first airplane that comes to mind when I think about stable IFR platforms. There are very few airplanes that are good for every mission...