I'm posting this because I need to make a decision. The decision is I have a damaged sprag clutch. This was caused by troubles I had last year with the running of my engine. It had severe kick back on starting caused by over flooding caused by a bad needle seat. move forward and the engine now runs great but has a sprag clutch problem. I have a 912uls 2008 or there abouts. There is a bulletin from Rotax to change to the newer modules which I did, it also says to put in the newer flywheel that retards the timing on startup. I called Lockwood and have all the parts and tool needed to replace the sprag but they are claiming the flywheel is not needed. I only want to do this once and am thinking that the newer sprag and the flywheel should be changed. yes my engine when it's below 60 degrees does slip out. when it's nice and warm out the engine starts up real fast with no choke, hence the reason for replacing the sparg. I want to hear what everybody thinks about adding the flywheel to the list. the cost doesn't bother me, just want it right.