So unlike the winter when it's hard to keep it warm enough, as the days are getting hot around here I'm struggling with manifold temperature. This evening as I climbed out the manifold temps got to 55C and there was a significant decrease in power - enough that I couldn't climb more than a few hundred ft/min. It came back down to about 51C then hovered at 50C. I kept my eye on it for a few min as I though perhaps once in some cooler air it would come down some more. It didn't. Oil temp also then climbed into the yellow. I landed.

I'm looking for ideas. I've just got the standard intake setup with the scoop directing to the oil cooler/heater core combo (really only about 1/2 direct). I feel like I should just cut back the scoop to allow more air to enter. Should I also consider some naca outlets at the top?