Quote Originally Posted by dothedr3w View Post
I agree, it is quite busy.

- If you already had an iPad, would you would you not provision your panel to be able to accept it?
- by the time you buy a Garmin g5 you might as well just add another full size g3x if you have the space since price difference isn't that much
- heated pitot. Might as well just have it in the first place for future proofing (my thoughts anyway). And there's certainly no downside besides weight and cost to having it, and if it saves your butt even once it will have been worth it.
- I think 3/4 extra modules in the middle from Dynon are pretty much unavoidable. I think they're all pretty much required except for the heading bug quick button piece.
- this panel could definitely be slimmed down a lot by choosing Garmin over Dynon, there's certainly no arguing that!
- I want engine monitoring to have its own dedicated screen, so why not install a screen that can also do more?

Sounds like you have your mind made up. I look forward to seeing the end results.

If weight/cost was no object, would you fill your panel up?

​Nope, I am a simple man with simple needs