Having chatted with the OP I suspect there may be some additional info that would really benefit his quest to get this kit delivered to his hangar.

- How many shipping crates does the factory normally use for one complete kit? If they had to break the shipment down into smaller, more manageable chunks, how many crates would that be?
- What are the sizes and weights of each of the crates?

For those who have received their kit via shipping service rather than going to the factory to pick it up, your knowledge of how the factory packed the kit would be very helpful.

BTW the factory provided an answer that was roughly equivalent to "one huge crate that weighs several times the empty weight of the completed airplane". These numbers don't quite seem "right" so please share your real world experience.

Sorry, Dave, if I have stepped on your toes here - I thought it might be helpful to convert some of the questions from our conversation into questions here on the forum in hopes others might have gone down this path before you.
