Let me first say that this is my first experimental airplane, coming from flying nose wheel Cessna 152.
I have a general question: I have a Kitfox IV - 1200 with a 912ULS. While flying, my right rudder input is significant, to the extent that when I bank for left turn I apply no left rudder, only a slight reduction of right rudder. Understanding that all aircraft are different and each will fly different, my question is "in general do Kitfox have a stronger need for right rudder to fly straight and level" than other experimental aircraft? I am considering a rudder trim tab. Does anyone have any experience with one of these that will work best on a Kitfox? Or if adjustments are suggested what might they be?
What I am hoping is that this is SOP for Kitfox (and perhaps many other experimental aircraft) and I just need to learn to fly my plane accordingly.