The HKS engine is an unknown to me so you'll want to find someone who knows about those.

I got caught in the Trent Palmer craze a few years ago and jumped on a model 1. Overall it wasn't too bad a deal but my eagerness and lack of knowledge let the seller screw me a little.

The original aluminum wing tanks were prone to cracking welds and leaking and the original fix was to slosh the tank. I forget the name of the product but it tended to start flaking off largely because the inside of the tank wasn't scuffed up which then clogged fuel filters. The guy who sold me my airplane told me all I had to do is plumb the tank back in and I'd be good to go. One look in the tank with a flashlight would have proved otherwise.

I can't tell if you have the header tank in there or not but if you only have aluminum wing tanks that could be a problem.

The early model 1s were 850 lb gross weight. The last few they made that had a vertical web in the tube spars were 950 lb gross weight. That's the difference between it being a solo aircraft or not depending on how big you are but it's size limited anyway.

There's a number of service bulletins to check on kitfoxes website.

It would be a good idea to look at the seat truss where the bungees wrap around. If the aircraft suffered a hard landing the seat truss and Longerons were the gear mount might be bent. These aircraft are very lightly built and it doesn't take a very hard landing to bend them.

One of the other big things to look at is the flaperon hangars or rib tails as they're also called. Make sure they're not rotted or otherwise snapped off/ broken.