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Thread: Frugal Fox - SS7

  1. #11
    Senior Member rv9ralph's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    Greenleaf, ID

    Default Re: Frugal Fox - SS7

    We ran into the same thing on our build.

    On the attachment of the strut to the fuselage, relieve the top tab just enough to make a good fit without touching. Using washers to get a good fit is a good practice.

    As you work through the build you will find callouts for the standard washer only to find when the nut is tightened there are enough thread showing. Just switch the washer to a "Light" washer.

    Kitfox 3 flying
    Building Kitfox SS7 (RockFox)
    915iS Engine
    Building Partner Victor V

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Palmyra, MO

    Default Re: Frugal Fox - SS7

    Little bit of a late reply. The budget on my build really went sideways when I made the decision to transition from a 912 ULS to a 912iS. Out of the gate it was a $6,000 difference for the engine, ring mount, and exhaust. Then I found out that I was going to need some type of computer to talk to the computer in the engine. I don't have the final tally yet but I am expecting the decision to cost between 15 and 20K. With that being said I believe I will be much happier with an EFIS vs Steam Gauges

    Quote Originally Posted by danski314 View Post
    Hello, first time builder here. Got started mid march on this SuperSport 7 build. Coined it the name Frugal Fox because cost was a pretty heavy factor in the configuration. I do believe that a kitfox can be built for much less. However, my objective was to build the best airplane that I could with the limited budget I had set aside, without having to re-do much (will choose to re-do some stuff down the road for sure) at a later date.

    The main area that I splurged on was the bubble doors and tint upgrade. Being 6'2" i really wanted the extra elbow room that the bubble doors allow. A few of the other options that I selected as must-have for me were the adjustable rudder pedals, and dual brake kit. The notable items that i wanted but cut were the streamline struts, vent kit, and heater kit. I went with the PVC fairings and am currently planning to design my own ventilation system and heater. I may end up getting anxious to finish building and start flying and buy the factory kit later, but for now i am still loving the build. Gear will be grove on 8.5s with the standard tailwheel. Currently hoping to swing a 912iS with a ground adjustable prop, minimalist avionics.

    My build setup is a two car garage and has worked out fine so far. I had to get a little creative on where to store some parts. I ended up breaking a false rib when the wings were on the rotisseries being stored and the space was a bit crowded. I backed up into it and my jacket caught on it. Will have to repair that down the road. Wings have since been re-located to the ceiling.

    Inventory went fine, took me about 8 hours total. Kitfox did a great job, I only had three hardware bags that were short a few pieces. I counted out all parts with QTYs less than 50. Any bags with more than 50 pieces in them i rolled the dice on for having the correct amount. I managed to get most parts onto one large shelf. Large components that are obvious to locate were stored away in the garage or basement. All smaller pieces were put on the shelf. Since the boxes dont necessarily correspond with the kit that they are a part of, and the inventory sheets go by kit, i created a box and designated it by kit designator and box designator. So for example a fuselage part originally in box 2, was put into box F2 on my shelf. So when i need to find a part by number, i find it in the inventory sheet and then that sheet tells me what kit it is a part of and what box it came from and that tells me where to find it on my shelf. I created some sub-boxes for small parts and for hardware. So for small fuselage parts from box 2, they went into box F2S. I noted these exceptions on the inventory sheet.

    Future posts will be shorter. I will try and highlight the ways I'm doing things and identify what works well and what doesn't. Also, I am open to, and appreciate all comments and suggestions.

    Attachment 30396Attachment 30397

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