On my Sonerai I use a Sporty's PJ2 handheld for my only com radio. Works great on battery, but this unit uses a USB-C charge cord for ship power. My old radio used a cigarette lighter cord to supply 12V directly to the radio. I simply stuck one of my cigarette lighter USB chargers into the cigarette lighter socket and it charges the PJ2 fine but I get a lot of noise through the radio. Like I said the unit does fine on it internal battery, it is just the USB cigarette lighter charger that is making the noise. I have a few and tried them all and all seem to make noise. Does anyone know of a cheapish brand that is good in not making a bunch of noise? For this airplane I'll be redoing the panel once the Kitfox is flying, so I don't want to be doing a bunch of rewiring just yet, or spending of a bunch of money for the likes of a Garmin USB. hopefully someone ha found a less expensive brand that can manage what I need. Not looking for a $2 item, but not really wanting to spend hundreds right now either.


John Brannen