Still working on getting some of the small stuff done with with programming the Garmin G3X and G5 along with the auto pilot. Got the auto pilot arm limiter installed on the roll servo but still need to do the pitch. Built backing plates for the hold down attachments for the baggage area, installed carpet on the floors and installed the floors back into the fuselage. Fabricated and fit the left wing closeout cuff, installed the attaching nut plates and got it ready for paint. Not as cool as the ones people are making with the carbon fiber but they will do the job. Installed heat reflective material on the base of the lower cowling that is just below the muffler/exhaust of the engine. Hoping to keep the cowling itself a bit protected from the heat.

Baggage Hold Down 2.JPGBaggage Floor.JPGWing cuff 1.JPGWing cuff 3.JPGCowling Heat film.JPG