Quote Originally Posted by alexM View Post
Huge milestone!
Agree Alex. It wasn't lost on me that if I untied from the tractor and released the brakes, it would most likely fly. Not pretty but fly. Lots of stuff still to do but they all seem small in comparison. Looking forward to you starting your engine.

Quote Originally Posted by bbs428 View Post
I had to do many adjustments to get my flaperons dialed in to what the book calls for so your right on track Gary.
No leaks! Woot! It's a good day. Congratz! Your Plane is looking great!

What static rpm are you looking for?
Thanks Brett. Glad to hear I am not the only one who is going back multiple times on the flaperons. Not sure what I don't like yet but I still have that feeling which over the years I have learned to trust so back I go. Taking a page from your book and doing stuff with the discretes on the Garmin. I have the Earth X battery and am displaying the status output the battery provides on the PFD and a couple other things I would like to see. As for static RPM I am thinking around 52 to 5300 to start and see where that gets me at the target 5800 WOT on climb out and 5500 cruise. Don't want to over-pitch and load the engine down but at the same time not leave any power on the table. From what I read, the 912 is built to cruise at 53 to 5500 all day so if I showed up to the party at 5450 or so when operating at say 6Kft, I would probably think I was there. Any suggestions welcomed on this one.