Quote Originally Posted by Meyer View Post
I got my AWC two months ago. I like the process and the online portal. My local FSDO reviewed everything ahead of time, and checked it for any problems. That way when the DAR came out, we knew ahead of time the paperwork piece was good to go.

I think this points out how things can be completely different from FSDO to FSDO. I got my airworthiness cert in Oct of 2019. Before my inspection, the DAR had me fill out everything so he could look them over and correct any issues. At the inspection, he electronically uploaded everything to the FAA and printed me off the airworthiness certificate with his portable printer right then and there. Just a warning, the FAA is way behind on processing and the airworthiness certification took four full months to show up on registry.faa.gov.

As a side note, I did not realize the importance of getting a DAR who works out of the FSDO where your home base airport for phase 1 testing will take place. My DAR was not able to do the repairman certificate and passed me off to the local FSDO for this. I *think* had he been based in the local FSDO, he could have done that for me at the same time. My local FSDO is horribly overworked and understaffed at the moment, I am guessing others are in the same boat.