Hello all,

I have been using here for a few months and I think this is my first post.

I bought a Kitfox series 5 over this past summer and have been flying it a TON! I absolutely love flying it. I live right on the Mississippi River and spend most of my time landing on sandbars and gravel bars. As such I decided to put some ABW 26"s on it. They look great and really dampen things out. I weighed and computed a new weight and balance for it and the empty weight comes in at 909lbs with an empty CG of 11.02. I do have 1° forward sweep on the wing to accommodate for the O200 engine.

My question is, have any of you noticed a heavier nose in flight after installing bigger tires? I'm not running out of trim but I just don't like how heavy the nose is now. If you have had to deal with heavier nose, what did you do to compensate for it?