RE: N number reservations

I got home tonight and had a stack of packages (miscellaneous stuff for my Kitfox build) and in the pile waiting for me was a thin envelope from the FAA. My first thought was "what did I do this time?" (I've got stories). Of course I tore that one open immediately. I really wish they would have different types of envelopes. Maybe ones with a smiley face or a Mr Yuck sticker on them.

Turns out it was for my N number. I reserved my number in April of the year I bought my kit, and have to renew it to keep it alive. That month has always been April, and that was when I made an online payment this year. The letter was dated 10/23/23 and good until October of next year. So it only took 7 months for someone to do 5 minutes of work. I'm sure the addition of a smiley face sticker probably would have added 2-3 months.

I guess the good news is that I have a 7 month extension, courtesy of .gov inefficiency.