Eric, my brother and I are building a kitfox 5 that was originally sold in 1994. Our kit was never started by the original buyer. We are first time builders but have learned a lot over the last 2 years. There are service bulletins that I'm sure you would have to complete. The rudder peddle reinforcement is just one. But the most critical would the fuel tanks. If this kit was built with the original tanks they should be replaced because they will not hold up to the fuel additives. Each tank is about $450.00 plus shipping. And removing those tanks after being epoxied to the spars and ribs is going to be a major job. We new some of this before we purchased our kit and we got lucky and paid less than half of this asking price. My honest opinion is at $20K plus all the updates I would look at a new factory kit.

KF5 Rotax 912uls
Freedom, WI