I purchased an unstarted model 1 kit a few years ago and have made moderate progress. I am hoping That if I create a build log, I can stay motivated to work on this project. When I bought this kit I made an inventory. Everything was included except the wheel hubs, a couple bolts, window plastics and patterns, Then ext step was to clean off a very light layer of rust from the fuselage, stabilizers, engine mount and struts. This required long hours of scrubbing with scotch brite pads and then spraying a coat of epoxy primer on the tubing before it could rust again.
I then studied the various bulletins and directives to get a list of items that would need replacement, upgrades or modification. Kitfoxaircraft.com was very helpful because they have a service bulletin page that seems to cover everything from 1987 to present. These are the bulletins I think apply to model 1:
#1 plastic spinner - NA , this kit has an aluminum spinner.
#2 fuel valve , line modification - I am modifying the fuel system to use wing tanks and a rear header tank.
#3 VNE and flaperons counterweights - I will either purchase the counterweights or add metal bar to the inside leading edge of the flaperons to balance them.
#4, cracking near elevator control horn - I have welded .060 triangular gussets to the elevator as recommended.
#5, main tank cap vent - I am not installing the main plastic tank.
#6A , left control column pivot , Special procedure, has been followed.
#9, Flaperons rib hanger reinforcement - I have made the 20 aluminum brackets that will be glued and riveted to the 10 ribs with flaperons hanger extensions.
#10 - replace aluminum wing tanks - This is a some sad requirement, The set of two tanks are still in their original boxes. Seems like a waste. I was wondering if I could put a few layers of fiberglass around these tanks and use them anyway.
#11 Rotax 532 car air vent tubes. - I will be installing an HKS 700e instead of the 532. Care will be taken to route vent tubes correctly.
#20 flaperons mass balance mandatory - I will either purchase the counterweights or add metal bar to the inside leading edge of the flaperons to balance them as is done in the UK.
#21 flaperons hinge bearing stop points. I have not starter end the wing assembly yet.
#45 - elevator bel rank bolt inspection. I modified this bel crank to be like model 5 thru 7.
Additionally I welded a second layer of metal to the strut where it attaches to the fuselage and triangular gussets to the rudder pedal stand posts.
I will post this and then grab some pictures from my archives. I hope anyone interested can make suggestions and encourage me to stay motivated.