My extremely limited experience is with the TK1 shock monster gear.
Bought the kitfox V last October and the rotax hoses were almost 20 years old so had them changed out and the Grove gear for the TK1 gear before I ever fired it up.
Lost 7 pounds swapping out the gear.
Got a bunch of landings in and my CFI kept raving about how sweet the gear is.
When I stall it a couple feet off the ground it drops with a very light tap and a whoosh.
When I wander off the runway and through a ditch or a snowbank it soaks it up like a champ and the CFI says that would probably have torn grove Gear off the plane.
Was told that if I kept the aluminum spring gear on the plane that it would make me a better pilot, but knew I need all the help I can get.
CFI made the mistake saying that if the plane had tires we could land in a dry lake bed, so the 29" bushwheels were in mail next day.
Now It's mashing ruts, snow and huge frozen cowpies. Between the gear and the tires its pretty amazing.
Pretty sure the CFI wouldn't have put up with me this long except that the plane is so fun to fly