Eddie, would love flying this beautiful part of the U.S. with you. Tangerine will be on display at Kitfox Aircraft’s CopperState fly in booth this Feb. along with the Monarch Butterfly Kitfox. Lots of orange will be the theme I guess.

John, thank you. Finally got her off the ground. I always tell people about to fly their new Kitfox for the first time to be prepared for the Kitfox to be ready to fly way before expected. Well, this one kind of surprised even me. I rolled the power in kind of conservatively the first time. It was off before full power was reached. Had about 7 mph right down the runway. Max static ground run up RPMs was 5150 in today’s 63 degree air. Ivo Lite ground adjustable prop. I’m Light Sport John so at this time no in-flight adjustable prop allowed. I always take off with 1/2 flaps for max take off performance. Had a heck of a time getting rid of the flaps before hitting 80 mph. In fact I didn’t get it done before 89 mph showed up on the airspeed tape. Try to climb out at 80 mph or so to keep speeds up for all the fast airplanes in the pattern. 80 mph showed 1700’ per minute in this nice cool air. Well, cool for here.
If traffic permits tomorrow, I’ll try to see what wide open top speed in level flight will show. I’m sticking close to the airport for a couple hours just to make sure everything is working properly.

Shadowrider- thank you. Your STi wing compared to my “standard” wing with Laker Leading Edge makes them two very different aircraft. The STi with the 915 is a hoot.😀. Can’t imagine it with 155 hp. Wicked.