Yeah, I was sick to my stomach when I saw it and still had over 3 hours to drive to get it home. When I got home it was 1:00 am, so just went to bed. After looking at it in the morning and taking my pocket knife to it I decided that it wasn't too bad. All together it is going to cost only about $100 to repair and that is all for covering materials. All of my poly fiber stuff is too old so I bought a $60 "practice kit" which will have enough to get it through silver.

As for the cushions, I realize I will need to customize, but I wanted to get an idea of what the stock cushions were, so if anyone has the thickness I'd still like to know.

I won't be adding anything unnecessary to this airplane. I actually want to make this one as light as possible. According to the logs, it is currently 560 pounds, but I plan to weigh it to find out what it is really at. I'll only be adding the essentials, and the upholstery is an essential to me but will only have what is absolutely needed to cushion my butt and hold an overnight bag.

Other things are going to get changed around slowly. I just plan to fly and have fun right now. The covering is solid, but it doesn't look too good. I love the polytone finish for repairs, flexability and durability, but am not a fan of the semi-gloss finish that seems to attract and suck in dirt. I eventually would like to recover this airplane with either Stewart Systems, or Oratex 600. I'm not a huge fan of the semi-transparent look of the oratex, but it may be worth it to save a few pounds. That's off in the distance though so I've got time to think about it.