Interesting to hear about the Fresno experience with the Pipistrel.
I looked at the Pipistrel Alpha Electro. It's also a light two seater frame and focused on flight training since the cost to operate is just a couple of dollars an hour for electricity.
They use a 50 kW electric motor (about 65 hp) with 106 kg of Tesla style (18650) batteries which should give them about 25 kWh of power. They state an hour of flight time with 20 min reserve. (They also say they can regenerate up to 13% of the power when descending)
You can buy Tesla battery packs for about $1300/5.3 kWh so about $6500 for 26 kWh batteries. Electric motor would be $3000 to $5000 plus controller.

As far as "range" goes, just like with electric cars, it depends on your use. I believe that most flying in this type of airplane is short distance, short duration. I saw a survey that that found most pilots for these light sport aircraft fly less than an hour at a time. Cross country travel (to Oshkosh!) would require frequent stops for charging. Pipistrel says an hour of charging for an hour of flying... so this would be slow.