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8 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Hi Chase
    This weekend October 20-22nd is Byrd's Adventure Center flyin. It's 51ar. Hope you can make it. My plane is down right now. I lost an ignition module. It's the older style so it's harder to find parts. The next weekend is the Roller flyin oct Have fun. Fly safe.
  2. View Conversation
    Thanks Chase. I sent you my cell. Fly down anytime and give me an inspection. I'll buy lunch.
  3. View Conversation
    Hi Chase,
    I have been working diligently this winter on my model IV and taking lessons. One of my friends is always looking for a new destination to fly to in his skyline and I was wondering what airport you fly into? Maybe one day we could fly out for a visit.
  4. View Conversation
    No problem. Thanks.
  5. View Conversation
    Hi Chase,
    How do I get a shirt?
    Mike Kahle
  6. View Conversation
    Hello Chase
    I'm back home from Elk hunting. We got six elk, six out of seven hunters in camp. I got a small 5 point bull and a good friend of mine got his 5 point bull as well. everybody else got cows. I gave half of my bull to the guy that didn't get an elk so every one took elk meat home. Had a great time, when we got there to set up camp there was 24" of snow on the ground, my brother brought his snow plow on his 4 wheeler to plow the snow so we could set up are tents. Two weeks there was long enough, happy to be home. Just finished getting the elk cut up and put in the freezer. having elk steak for super tonight.
  7. View Conversation
    Thanks for the info on the 532. Do you know where to go to veryify that the serial # is indeed for a 532 or a 582?
  8. View Conversation
    Hello Chase
    Yes you may be a friend. I added you to my list, this TeamKitFox is a great place. I haven't been on site for while because I've been moving out of town on my 8 acres. And in October 12th I'll be leaving to the snowy range mountains for a 3 week Elk hunt, be back the first week in November. Haven't done anything on my kitfox all summer, wife says need to work on the new house so we can move in. Aaaah its the ****s.
    Later Larry
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
About SkyPirate

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Date of Birth
September 8
About SkyPirate
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Edgar Springs MO
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.long range shooting,..hunting,
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DAV retired
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Series 5


Model 5 OutBack
912 UL


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10-16-2017 08:13 PM
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07-03-2019 11:23 AM
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