Paul, I am still actually wanting the project and I guess I worded my post wrongly. As lots of people I have some personal issues that are needing my attention at the moment and I didn't want to hold up Mike's sale. I have cleaned up my hangar for room to put his plane if I can still make a deal with him. I have not had time to get back with Mike to discuss details with him but am going to try and get in touch with him later tonight. If you have already made a deal with him I guess it is no one's fault but my own. Keith
Hi Keith, I was reading in the Engine posts that you recently passed on a project. I was wondering if it was the one located in Illinois by Waukegan airport being sold by a guy named Mike. I'm considering that one, but I'm not sure about it. If you have any thoughts on it, I'd be interested. Thanks, -- Paul S
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