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4 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Hi Jim,

    It looks like you live in the Portland area as I do. I’d like to take a closer look at a Kitfox S-7 without having to go to Idaho. Would you be available or know of any owners that might be?

    Thank you, Duane Overcash 503-926-2240
  2. View Conversation
    Is that your fox at Roche Harbor?
  3. Floog, I didn't do anything with the coolant weep. When I check it is still there but very small-just wets the end of my finger. I haven't worried much about it, but am keeping an eye on it. Will check again soon at my 400 hour engine inspection.

    Let me know when you get here and I will come to Pearson to get the compression tester.
  4. View Conversation
    Hi, Jim, I noticed you had a coolant leak near the weep hole on the water pump about a year ago. What's the status? I just did an oil change (867 hours) and noticed the same. Just wondering what you did with it. Incidentally, I'm coming over to VUO by October 14th. I have the leak down tester loaded in my plane so I don't forget....Doug
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About jiott

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About jiott
Your name (required):
Jim Ott
Location (required):
Portland, OR
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RC Aircraft, Flying
Occupation (optional):
Engineer (ret.)
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Kitfox Model:
Super Sport


Jim Ott
Portland, OR
Kitfox SS7 flying
Rotax 912ULS


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