View Full Version : 582 running hot

08-05-2018, 04:58 PM
Finally flying my IV. Today was warm at 90+ degrees.
I find that at climb power the engine is making 6300 rpm, same as static ground runs. I thought the RPM would go higher than static in flight. This lil engine is strong! EGT well below 1200. The water temp is coming up to 180 and will go higher if I don’t reduce power. When reducing power to ~5200 the EGT goes up to 1200 and water temp stabilizes at 175-180. Reducing power to ~4500 the EGT goes back down and water temp eases off a bit.

Copper radiator
100% antifreeze

I can experiment with water/antifreeze ratio.
I can lower radiator into the airstream a bit.
I can get a new aluminum radiator.

What else?

Would it help to repitch the prop to get more RPM?


08-05-2018, 06:07 PM
I hope that's a typo of 100% antifreeze. At the most rich, it should be a 50-50 mix with distilled water.

08-05-2018, 06:18 PM
I’ll double check the antifreeze mix tomorrow.


08-05-2018, 09:49 PM
Maybe add a bit of pitch to your prop as well, that will get you down around 6200 static, and should lower your EGTs some as well. Anything over 1200 gets scary if your gauge is accurate. Is your mid range jetting rich enough as well? JImChuk

08-06-2018, 11:26 AM
Couldn’t verify antifreeze mix so changed to 50/50.
Raised carb needle one notch.

Same conditions as yesterday...
EGT same on climbout. Throttle back at pattern altitude the EGT stayed the same rather than increasing like yesterday and water temp decreased. Today I was able to climb to 3500 whereas yesterday the temps prevented that. As far as I am concerned this is a fix.

Gotta take the plugs out tomorrow. Slight misfire. Not a stumble just a once-in-awhile miss. I’m still really nervous not having any two cycle experience.


08-06-2018, 04:09 PM
You may want to reduce the 50/50 antifreeze mix by adding more distilled water. I fly in high temp weather during summer months (98-100+) and was having the same high water temp. After verifying all other possible areas: temp gage, radiator cap, etc. Changing the antifreeze mix by adding more distilled water which solved my over heating problem. Just don't forget to increase the antifreeze during the winter months when temps fall below freezing.

08-06-2018, 04:29 PM
Interesting Ray.

08-06-2018, 06:59 PM
yeh, thats a good tip. thx

09-05-2018, 04:49 PM
I lowered by radiator by 1 inch with much improvement. The aluminum radiator helps as well.

Doesnt hurt to verify RPM with something like a Tiny Tach. My analog one was off about 300 RPM. I was running 6100 static and 6500 on climb out with a 3 blade 68" Ivo. Getting the pitch right had a big effect on cruise speed.

10-12-2018, 02:44 AM

I set the mixture to 70% water and 30% antifreeze - I have protect water up to -20 Celsius by this mixture.

582 greyhead with GSC 68"
At hot temperature 6300 rpm during climb with 1000 ft/min.
At cold weather 6000 rpm.

NOTICE: more prop pitch higher altitude, more airtemp - less EGT!!!

IDLE JET: 1/2 turn left less EGT (richer) than 2 turns left !!!



01-08-2019, 07:51 AM
You may want to check the water pump impeller sometimes they get to much wear and will not push /pull coolant just something to review ?