View Full Version : For you bush pilots out there...

01-14-2018, 08:19 AM
This shows some incredible bush flying that may even challenge a Kitfox :)


(Note this is a series, so there is a lot to watch should you get hooked)

01-14-2018, 02:48 PM
Anywhere in Indonesia and especially Papua New Guinea (PNG) is flying at its most exciting. Once spoke to an Australian Army pilot who flew Caribou's into PNG for over 2 years. Said it was "hairy" at best and downright scary at worst. Combined high mountain ranges, high temps and high humidity make for challenging conditions.

01-14-2018, 06:28 PM
Thanks Paul, you made my homesick. :(

We lived in Papua, Indonesia for almost 20 years, thus the forum name "PapuaPilot". I flew the Cessna the 185, 206, Caravan and the Quest Kodiak with Mission Aviation Fellowship. It is very remote, rugged and unforgiving. I am so thankful for the incredible training I got with MAF to be able to fly professionally to these kind of strips. We don't like the negative connotation of "bush pilot". This type of flying takes extreme discipline and professionalism. Every year in Papua there was and still are several accidents, many which are fatal. I have several friends and acquaintances who have lost their lives flying in Papua.

Take a look at my albums, there is a folder about my flying in Papua.

Now I live in Idaho, working at MAF's HQ as a Maintenance Instructor. I have the best backcountry area in the US out my backdoor.

And why did I choose to get a Kitfox . . . ? I think anyone that has flown one knows the answer. ;)

01-14-2018, 06:52 PM
That’s a wonderful production... thank you much for the link!

When I first saw your “handle” on this forum I thought it probably was a reference to a statement from one of your young kids - “Pap, you a pilot!” :)
I’m going to forward this link to another flying friend of mine who lived in Indonesia for several years... I know he will really enjoy it also.

01-15-2018, 07:02 PM
I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. I sure did.

It is especially cool to know we have people right here in our group that flew there. Holy Schmidt!!

I'm impressed even more with our forum community than I was before :cool: