View Full Version : Fuel pump crush washers

11-27-2017, 07:06 AM
I am looking for fuel pump crush washers. Rotax part number 250425.
Don’t live close to anyone who sells rotax parts so I am something more readily available. Any suggestions?


11-27-2017, 04:03 PM
Lockwood aviation ships, try them

11-28-2017, 05:49 PM
Hi Adam,

Couple of options I can suggest for you, If you have the old copper washers they can be "anealed" by heating Cherry red and allowed to cool and then re-used, also In Barrie South end there is a Fuel injection repair shop named "Derricks Diesel" and they will have various different sizes of those copper crush washers. I have a somewhat of a selection on my truck, as I work on Diesel stuff, but my 912 does not have these connections at fuel pump. so not sure what size they are. If I had an idea what dia. you need I could check and if I found some could leave with John Smith at the Airport for you, I am in that area periodically, and might be tomorrow as well.

Paul Z
11-29-2017, 07:22 PM
Rotax teaches they can be "anealed" by heating Cherry red and allowed to cool and then re-used. Just aneal and put them back on.

11-29-2017, 11:08 PM
EAA’s Hints for Homebuilders Video series has an episode on annealing copper spark plug washer/gasket, same process.

11-30-2017, 10:26 AM
Do the fuel pump connections use solid metal washer/gaskets (like a traditional aircraft spark plug gasket), or are they actually so-called “crush washers”, which have a core of a softer non-metallic material covered with a thin copper shell? Those deform greatly upon installation and in general should not be annealed or reused. There are also solid aluminum washers used for some applications, like with a vernitherm, that should definitely not be heated cherry red to “anneal”. Additionally, there is another type of sealing washer, that I have seen used on Rotax engines, that consists of a solid aluminum or steel washer with a rubbery material bonded to the inner hole surface. These can usually be reused if not damaged. The only sealing gasket washers that should and can be annealed by heating cherry red, and reused if un-damaged, are solid copper ones, to my knowledge.