View Full Version : Vert Stabilizer tip ??

09-03-2017, 08:57 PM
I'm redoing the tip on the vert stab and the rudder. The tip that was on there extended about 1 1/4 inches above the steel tubing.
I see no reason for it to be that tall.
The top rib in the vert stab, bonds up to the bottom of the tubing, has anyone just filled in and contoured the area between the rib and the tubing?
did you make the tip extend above the steel tubing? If so, approximately how much higher?
I know the instructions say add foam and contour till cosmetically pleasing..........I'm just looking for ideas.

09-03-2017, 11:50 PM
Brian, not quite sure why the tip would extend so far past the uppermost tube, but what I'm doing is filling with foam between the rib and tube and then simply using Hysol and auto body filler to get a "pleasing" final shape, which doesn't extend more that 3/8"-1/2" maximum beyond the tube at the highest point. I'm making my vertical stab and rudder tips take on the appearance of the upper surface of a wing when looking at them in side elevation and having a wasted body shape as they extend aft. In addition, I'm rounding the LE of the rudder tip to follow the LE FG fairing. Haven't finished sanding it all down yet but it's starting to look ok cosmetically, although quite a few lumps and bumps right now.

09-04-2017, 07:29 AM
Hello Brian
By the time I sanded this down to shape, I have got no more than maybe 1/8inch of foam on the tube. Definitely could just make two pieces and glue them in on either side. That's exactly what I did on the horizontal stab. I would also recommend using Balsa. You might as well be using Cheetos Puffs if you go with the foam. That stuff is delicate. Of coarse the Hysol strengthens it all up. It is not difficult to remove more than you had planned too when sanding the foam down. Personally I really liked working with Balsa better.