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08-10-2015, 08:03 PM
I believe I saw a thread some time ago on how to make elevator gap seals from foam pipe insulation. Someone had a neat way to cut the foam lengthwise and maintain nice straight lines. I have searched but no luck finding it. Anybody know where it is?

ken nougaret
08-10-2015, 09:14 PM
Its under "source for gap fillers". Its an eaa video. I wasnt able to copy the link.

08-10-2015, 10:09 PM
Bruce Lina was the author of that idea. He goes by Airlina on the Forum,
I'm sure he'll see this and post a reply.


08-10-2015, 10:14 PM
For what it's worth I have Gap seals made from clear Awning Repair tape on
my IO-240B engined (i.e. nose heavy) Series 5. I don't really notice any real
difference. Maybe a bit in the flare, but negligible at best. Worth making for
something to do, but not sure they'll do that much.


08-11-2015, 03:24 AM
If you search foam gap seals, a thread will come up titled gap seals, that will show the process with pictures. As Jeff says it is hard to quantify the results before and after gap seals, but where I notice them the most is in the flare. Seems like I have more controllability right through the end of the flare. Bruce N199CL

Kitfox Aircraft
08-11-2015, 11:15 AM
We are working on a Gap Seal material for the Kitfox.. I don't have an exact time line yet. Try to work with some manufactures for the material.

Paul Z
08-11-2015, 06:22 PM
I believe I saw a thread some time ago on how to make elevator gap seals from foam pipe insulation.....

Bryan Carpenter at Rainbow Aviation has an EAA video on making gap seals from a swimming pool noodle. Material $1.00 the tool to make it probably $250 to $500 for an individual to have the cutting tool manufactured.

08-12-2015, 07:40 AM
Go to the local Wal-Mart or Home Depot aviation department and get some experimental aviation gap sealer, also sold under the generic name 'shelf paper'. This is a semi-transparent plastic sheet that comes on a roll. It has 'sticky' on one side. Measure and cut a 2 strips a few inches wide and as long as you need to cover the gap. Stick the 2 pieces together with an overlap leaving an inch or so on the sticky side exposed on the top of one side and the bottom of the other. Now put this in the gap and stick on side to the top of the backside and the other to the bottom of the front. This should form and 'S' when viewed from the side. Wallaa....instant gap seal. I learned about this from a glider pilot. Apparantly they do this to sail planes. Super light and easily removed/replaced. I used this method on the horizontal Stabalizer and it helped my slow speed control.

08-12-2015, 09:08 AM
On my albums and pics there are a couple of pics of gap seals on my Vixen.
Very easy to make from foam pipe insulation.
I chose to protect with Gorilla tape but probably not necessary.
Been on now for 4 years.

08-12-2015, 07:50 PM
Thanks for all the ideas. Airlina's method was the one I was searching for, but the other ideas are good too.