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View Full Version : Introducing Dan Billingsley,TeamKitfox Moderator.

07-05-2009, 09:56 PM
It’s my pleasure to introduce our newest TeamKitfox.com Moderator, Dan Billingsley .
Dan has agreed to assist Mark Smith and myself with the Moderator duties. He has been a member for over a year and has
contributed many posts. Dan is an avid Kitfox enthusiast and builder with his own Kitfox builders website. http://www.azshowersolutions.com/Kitfox1.html

Dan is a family man and resides in Mesa ,AZ with his lovely wife Wendy. He has logged many hours as a private pilot and has had the opportunity to fly several aircraft including the requisite trainers like 152’s and 172’s. Others include…Cherokee’s a Citabria and recently
An Allegro 2000, which is an LSA with a Rotax 912s. He found this to be a good aircraft to help with his transition into his soon to be completed Kitfox IV.
Dan has flown right seat with me on several long distance flights including two trips to the Kitfox Aircraft LLC factory fly-ins along with many local flights. Dan took his very first Kitfox flight with me a couple years ago and like so many others, was immediately hooked on Kitfox aircraft.
Dan humbly and honorably served his country in the military for 4 years in law enforcement . He currently works as a secondary school teacher for the Mesa Public School District and also runs his own private business.
I consider him a good friend and a Patriot and am honored to have him on our team.
Welcome Dan, and thanks so much for helping out.

07-06-2009, 08:26 AM
Congratulations Dan. You'll be a great asset to this site. I look forward to seeing you again in Homedale.

07-06-2009, 07:50 PM
Welcome aboard Dan~! that dern kitfox fever gets us all doesn't it ha ha

kitfox fever : definition ..once in flight in a kitfox ..you get the fever.

kitfox grin,.. definition ..grin that cannot be removed ,..even with a crow bar



07-06-2009, 10:53 PM
Kitfox Fever, def.- the sudden and abrupt awakening of a dominate yet dormant gene inherent in all true aviators by a sometimes short but life changing introductory flight in a light aircraft with unearthly performance characteristics (see any Kitfox Aircraft ). :D

Fox Bite, def.- that inevitable injury sustained when an inattentive aviator attempts to ambulate beneath a properly parked Kitfox aircraft and comes in sudden and painful contact with the trailing edge of a low-hanging full span control surface.:eek:

07-07-2009, 07:40 AM
Steve K.,
Thanks for the nice intro! I look forward to working with you and being a part of the Team...helping in any way I can. It's been great getting to know many of the folks here in the Kitfox Family since its inception (Randy, you did good ;)) Kitfoxers are a unique group and I find them always willing to help and lend a hand. It will be my privilege to help with the site.

Steve W,
Thanks for your support and I'm looking forward to seeing you at this years 25th Kitfox anniversary.

Kitfox fever IS real :D...After that first ride the goofy grin was certainly hard to wipe off my face. This should be a warning to those who haven't taken that first flight yet. There should be a placard required...Flyer beware, this plane can become habbit-forming.

07-07-2009, 03:09 PM
Wow, the way all y'all talk about this airplane, I can't wait to finish mine! My first flight could very well be my first Kitfox flight too.

Welcome Dan!