View Full Version : Grove gear and wheel base

herman pahls
05-26-2014, 12:18 AM
I recently purchased a model 4-1200 with a 912S and it came with Grove gear.
It appears that the Grove gear moves the axle line forward in relation to the leading edge of the wing in comparison to the stock Kitfox bungee gear.
If that is true it may help explain why the model 4 tail feels so much heavier than my model 2 tail.
Does anyone know what the Grove gear does regarding the wheel base in comparison to stock Kitfox issued bungee bag.
Thanks Herman

05-26-2014, 05:04 AM
My Grove gear put the axles just about perfectly on the leading edge of the wing, 0" for W/B is what I use.

If I remember my bungee gear the axles were at something like -1-1/2".

So there isn't much difference, but it will make the tail slightly heavier.

herman pahls
05-26-2014, 12:32 PM
Thanks Larry for the info.
I had no idea how the model 4's where originally set up.
The stock bungee gear axle on my model 2 is 2" behind the wing leading edge.