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View Full Version : Garmin Pilot Users

05-21-2014, 07:52 AM
Hi Gents, I've just purchased Garmin Pilot Android software and in the process of learning to use it effectively. I was wondering how many of you out there are using this system.

It would be useful to me if we could share ideas and lessons learned so to promote a little faster learning experience.


05-21-2014, 02:59 PM
I have it. I like it for preflight planning. I don't have a GPS receiver for the plane so I don't use it in flight.

In flight I use my Aera 500.

05-21-2014, 05:34 PM
I'm using a Nexus 7 which has it's own built in GPS. I haven't used in the airplane yet as it's still in a state of repair.

05-21-2014, 08:20 PM
I'll try to help as much as I can. I'm honestly not real proficient with it because I don't use it enough...

05-21-2014, 09:26 PM
I have a Nexus 7 and I installed Avare GPS software on it. That app is free, and it seems to work good for me. I would like to hear more about other GPS software though. Jim Chuk

05-23-2014, 06:45 AM
This one should be an easy one. On the map page, there are two symbols on the lower right hand edge of the page. One is a horizontal triangle or a two vertical hash marks (like tape forward or stop symbols). The other is a count up clock of some sort. Mine starts at 6:00 and counts up. There is a speed bar associated with it that apparently sets the count up rate.

05-23-2014, 02:36 PM
Avare is a free Aviation GPS app. Has quite a few features. I've even learned some of them! :-) Jim Chuk

05-23-2014, 06:14 PM
I use Garmin Pilot iPad version, works good I like the map features like weather, and airport data, ADF info, TFR's. I use in in flight I have a suction cup ram mount in a Cherokee but it does block view of either outside or the panel, synthetic vision is new and kinda cool, I use it more on my desk at work as I dream of flying and follow the weather radar

05-24-2014, 08:49 AM
Thanks Dan. Feel like fielding a few questions? I have one that I posted earlier if you don't mind taking a look at that one.

Additionally, I'm pondering as to how to
delete or erase a route? I can go through and delete each waypoint, but that's time consuming.

And still another one: On the map page when you have established a Direct Route (deep blue course line) There is a PLUS symbol ia box, and an ARROW in another box. They are at the lower left of the display. In this mode pressing the PLUS will delete the route. Pressing the ARROW will restore the route. If you have deleted the route and press SAVE the route is restored. So the delete is not actually a delete after all. Any clues as to what's going on??


05-25-2014, 05:12 AM
Jim, I downloaded Avare and am quite impressed, particularly the price. I haven't explored it enough to know how to use it yet, but it looks a lot easier than my Garmin Pilot.

05-25-2014, 10:16 PM
I haven't used mine in flight too much, but this prompted me to learn a little more about it and actually use it as the tool it is, the clock items in the lower left will show a time laps of radar, IR SAT and VIS SAT, (satellite), on the flight plan route I do see you can clear the route with the menu button top right, I do not have a plus/minus in the lower left.
I just down loaded an actual manual and going to read up

05-30-2014, 08:23 AM
When I got the Nexus 7 tablet, I tried to figure how I wanted to mount it. I'm a half owner in a nice old Aeronca Chief, and this is what I did with the tablet. I took a gas welding rod, ran it through the back of the tablet case and bent it over to act as a stand. There is some fuzzy material on the glare shield that the hook half of Velcro grabs onto and so I put a couple of strips of the hook Velcro on the tablet case. It stays right where you put it then. I can flip the tablet up to view it, or with one flick of a finger flip the welding rod stand back and the tablet will lay down completely out of the way. Could probably do the same in a Kitfox or Avid by sticking someof the fuzzy Velcro on the glare shield. Anyway, it works just fine for me, and the price was right. Jim Chuk

PS The tablet is barely 5" high in the first picture so you can see over it in flight quite easily

05-30-2014, 12:48 PM
That's pretty straight forward, I'll use the same for mine.

07-04-2014, 05:37 PM
I used Garmin Pilot on a nexus 7 last summer when I put 200 hours on my model 4 flying coast to coast. I put some Velcro on it and it mounts to my knee board. Easy to read there but the built in GPS did not work. I bought a small blue tooth GPS that is velcroed to the panel cover. I have some USB power ports tn the plane so the internal batteries in the GPS and tablet are not drained.

I really like the app, it had some issues at first but their customer service was very responsive and it works fine now. I really like the extensive airport info. I can check to see fuel prices, courtesy car, bunk room, internet, etc while planning and while in the air. Also, at the push of a 'button' you can download a full legal weather briefing tagged with you tail number and have access to it in the air. You can file also.

The nav features are similar to my ifly gps which I still use because it couples to my dynon EFIS and also logs my flights. It is a pain to enter the same flight plan into both. Now that the ifly software also works on my tablet I'm not sure if I will renew the Garmin. I'm waiting to see what sort of briefing and filing the ifly has at the time.

What ever you use, play with it as lot before you fly with it.
