View Full Version : oil injection system lines on Rotax 582

05-11-2013, 08:00 AM
Ok I know its a dump question but here i go. From the the oil tank that is attached to the firewall the oil line goes down to the connection point at the bottom of the crank case right? Now do i need a seperate tank for the return line where the line comes off between to carbs? and what about the suction line for the inlet to the pump? where does that come from? I only have one line from the tank. any pics or schematics would help. The Rotax 582 manual doesnt give a good viewing.

05-11-2013, 08:40 AM
This is an oil injection system. From the oil tank run through a filter to the oil pump by the carbs. Don't know what fitting on the crankcase you are referencing but you won't need it or a return line. The oil goes into the pump and gets injectd right into the carbs to mix with the gas and air. After hooking up the oil line to the pump you will need to bleed out any air in the lines. sorry, not anywhere I can get pics.

05-11-2013, 11:58 AM
Are you getting confused with the rotary valve oil tank and such in any of this? The oil injection lines are probably 1/4" and the rotary valve lines are probably 7/16" diameter. Hope this helps some. Pics would help also. Jim Chuk