View Full Version : Test flying begun

05-07-2013, 03:38 AM
Hey all, I've finally started the test flying after a three year build, took some video of a circuit , they are really top little planes, I'm enjoying it more every time I go up

05-07-2013, 09:29 AM
Congratulations on a Great milestone. It sure is a awesome feeling on the first flight after so much time building, looks like some nice country to fly in too.

ken nougaret
05-07-2013, 09:44 AM
congradulations! can't wait to be at that point. good to see another kitfox in florida. is that a model 4 or 7? what airfield are you out of?

05-07-2013, 01:45 PM
Er Melbourne AUSTRALIA,,,,the airfield is called Coldstream and yeh the valley is very nice, lots of vineyards and bush, the aircraft started out as an Aussie copy of a Kitfox, probably close to a model 3-4 . I used the fuselage and wings from the Aussie variant and fabricated pretty much everything else, it runs a 100hp 912 , I'm getting 900fpm at 60kias on climb and 80knots cruise at 4800rpm,
Cheers Mat