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View Full Version : Bush Gear

02-26-2009, 01:45 PM
I just installed a new landing gear I acquired from Lowell Fitt @ HighWing LLC. This vastly improves the ground handling of the aircraft and in my opinion,this is the way it should have come. The gear spread has gone from 4 ft to 6 ft. Turning on grass is no longer a big wide arc. I will try to include some pictures but I am not having much luck on this site.
Dick Maddux

02-26-2009, 02:10 PM
Well that picture came through. I have more if anyone is interested. To continue, by using this gear not only do I have excellent ground handling but the gear is 4 lbs lighter than the original and 15 lbs lighter than the Grove gear (cheaper too) and no bungees to change ! My aircraft appears to cruise about 3-4 mph slower ( IAS) due to the additional drag but it is worth it to me !
With the standard narrow gear my aircraft always wanted to wheel land rather than 3 point. I had to force the tail down. With this gear it assumes the position and 3 points are much easier (I don't know why) Stability on final approach also feels better. Perhaps the wheels being further out are acting like outriggers on a canoe.
I now have the classic "Monocoupe" look that I like and better handling to boot!
Dick Maddux
Rotax 912 UL

02-28-2009, 05:06 PM
Hi Dick that's a good looking Kitfox and I like the bush gear glad you posted over here. I would suspect that the cobane struts and bungee springs are whats causing the slight loss of AS are you thinking of fairing over the springs?

03-01-2009, 06:44 AM
I have a little additional drag ,due to the cabane strut and springs I would imagine. It is still windy here so I have not been able to get a good stable IAS. I am guessing it is 2-3 mph slower. But again with fat tires and a bush gear ,no big deal. It is a little taller than the original but I cannot give you a figure as I did not measure prior to installation.I know I have to stretch a little more to reach the fuel caps(I am a short guy)
The aircraft is now a much better 3 pointer ! With the old gear it always wanted to wheel land. I did some pretty good ones!
In a nutshell ,you could not pay me twice what I paid for this bush gear to reinstall the old one ! It handles so nice on the ground and on landing !
It was not that expensive compared to the optional gears available (in fact a whole lot less) and it looks sooo good !
Dick Maddux

03-03-2009, 10:28 AM
your plane looks awesome, my question is what about brakes, did it come with the kit or did you have to change altogether?

03-04-2009, 02:39 AM
I really like the looks of your new gear. Also, nice job fairing them out. Is the wheel base about the same as the bush gear Kitfox offers?

03-04-2009, 05:58 AM
Lowell fabricated the gear so that I was able to reuse both the original wheels,axles and the brakes. This saved me almost $1000 when you concider buying new wheels,tires,brakes and axles. This may not be as strong as the heavy duty axles/26 inch wheels etc , but they are certainly as strong or stronger than the original. I have no plans of landing on big rocks, islands in rivers (crocagator will eat you) or mountain strips (don't have any...nuts!) so the original wheels are fine. I am sure Lowell would build you a gear either way.
I wanted a gear that would give me more control on my grass runway. I couldn't get this airplane to steer worth a c^%p ! I have gone thru 2 tailwheels and was going to buy new brakes. My turns had to be wide turns in order to keep the tailwheel from kicking out and then massive power to straighten it. (pavement was ok) Now with this new gear problem is solved. It steers great! Piece of cake !
In addition I now have a nice "3 pointer",better stability on final and a REALLY good looking gear and the "coup de grass' (pun intended)....No bungees ! And,this is one tough gear ! 4 lbs lighter than original too !
I think I like it.
I have not seen the Kitfox "bush gear" but I am sure they are similar and if John makes it, it will be quality !
Dick Maddux

03-05-2009, 09:32 AM
The Wheel Base is about the same.

However, we do include the axles with the kit. The wheels and brakes are available but not included.

03-09-2009, 05:23 AM
Lowell suggested the same thing. I think that is the answer. I have landed about 10 times now with this new gear and in every case it has done a nice 3 point landing with no tendency to want to acquire the wheel landing attitude. It would make sense that the gear legs and fat tires so close together might very well disturb the air flow to the elevator. I think you guys have nailed it ! Thanks !!

04-30-2009, 01:31 PM
Just a thought about the whole issue with a Main Gear Landing. I noticed that catz631 mentioned the weight loss with the new gear and others had attributed possible aerodynamic gains/factors contributing to the success in 3pt landings. I agree, aerodynamics may have helped somewhat. Another thought however. Weight and Balance. The weight loss (Congrats, by the way. We all struggle with that! :D) would have created a more aft CG. Any thoughts or comments? By the way, the new gear does look great, with that wide stance!

07-27-2010, 05:23 AM
I had thought about the Goodyear tires but as i recall they were too heavy and exspensive. The Nanco 21inch tires are much lighter. They may not look quite as "cool" but,they have worn well and as my plane is a little heavy with the BRS chute and all I am trying to keep the weight down. And besides,I am a short guy. I would need a ladder to get into my plane and what a pain it would be to "burp" the engine,check the oil and gas. I am almost on my toes now to remove the gas caps with out a ladder !

07-28-2010, 06:58 PM
Kitfox Aircraft also carries a great bush gear setup. Check it out in there on-line parts catalog.


07-29-2010, 05:23 AM
After Lowell first concieved this gear he sent me drawings and that really stirred the juices. The original gear always looked out of place to me. They were so narrow and looked somewhat out of place with the rest of the aircraft (great for towing/trailering though I would imagine)
I asked Lowell to please make me one. At that time he only had a test gear on another aircraft. His gear uses the original axles,wheels and brakes. I found out later,after I had already ordered the gear that Kitfox also had a "bush " gear but at the time it was offered only with different axles,brakes and wheels(albeit stronger) which would add another $800 to the purchase price. I believe Kitfox now offers this gear with the original wheels,etc.
I am not flying in the bush down here in Florida (If I did I would probably get stuck in the mud and an alligator would eat me) but was looking for the look of a classic such as a Monocoupe which I used to fly. My bungees were up for replacement and I wasn't looking forward to that so this was a great opportunity to upgrade. Now when Lowell offered those beautiful fairings for the gear,that was the clincher !
I now have the looks I want,better tracking on the ground and believe it or not, much greater stability on approach. I am sure glad I did it !!!!

07-29-2010, 05:33 AM
Ahhh nuts I should have clarified something before I posted.I was told Kitfox offered larger axles,wheels and tires because guys are actually flying off airport alot so the larger wheels etc are needed. Big rocks,etc. Down here you just have to watch out for the oil slicks if you land on a beach ! (find me a rock)
I wouldn't think the actual gear itself is any stronger then what I have. Mine is quite stout !

07-30-2010, 01:36 PM
Now that's a bush gear...courtesy of Kitfox Aircraft.

07-31-2010, 06:21 AM
Thanks for posting ! That is absolutely drop dead gorgious !!!! Thanks John and Debbie. You guys have done it right ! I am slobering all over my keyboard. Look forward to reading about it.

05-01-2018, 09:45 AM
Tried to call them, seems out of business! Anyone know where to get this gear?

05-01-2018, 04:23 PM
HighWing LLC is no more. I have helped a few friends with gear from time to time, but time moves on and real life changes have stepped in and the time is just not there anymore. I have talked to some that might be interested in continuing with the tooling I could provide, but nothing so far.

05-02-2018, 07:07 AM
Yes... Kitfox Aircraft.

05-06-2018, 06:00 AM

AV Weld also makes Kitfox gear...
Its 2' wider than the standard bungee gear and an inch or so taller. I have 54" from prop hub center to ground when level with the Desser 22" tires.

05-06-2018, 10:27 AM
DO you have a web link for them? I want to see how much it cost and if they are making them yet. I flew last eve with no problems but on hard surface its a bit tricky being so close. Also went right threw a big ole mud wet ankle deep spot couldnt see threw the tall grass, lol was an odd take off but just play bush skills and no problems. AMie :eek:

05-07-2018, 02:31 AM
I don't think there is a website. Try contacting John here. You can google john Roberts rage pro bush gear.
John Roberts
Email: avweld@hotmail.com
Phone: 208-573-0714