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View Full Version : Sight Glass failure

11-04-2008, 09:42 AM
I recently added fuel to my Model V Vixen. Returning to the hangar the next day, I was informed that fuel was leaking from the airplane. On inspection, both tanks were bone dry. I looked at the sight glasses, and found both were loose, although the retaining nuts (plastic, holding the plastic sight glass tubes tight to the tanks at the top and bottom of the sight glasses on both sides of the wing root) were tight. I have never been happy with the original arrangement. Has anyone else had trouble with the sight glass configuration? Done something to improve or fix them? My airplane is not flying until this is resolved.

11-04-2008, 11:24 AM
Get some polyurethane tubing from Aircraft Spruce http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/polyurethanetubing.php and some 1/4" brass barbed fittings from your local hardward store. Get rid of the original plastic fittings and plastic tubing and install this stuff. I also added a peice of stainless steel rod (3/32" diameter) to the interior of the tube and bent it to shape so it would retain the shape for the sight guage.

The polyurethane tubing is about the only stuff that is clear and will not discolor (or discolor very little) when in constant contact with gasoline. It is extremely durable and abrasion resistant as well.

11-04-2008, 01:42 PM
We have a fuel placard kit as a replacement. Fittings, tubing and all.

11-04-2008, 02:00 PM
I did not like the original site tube that came with the Series 5 kit. I bought the kit John supplies and like it much better. Works great.

Dave S
11-04-2008, 03:43 PM

Get the placard and sight tube kit John Mc Bean sells. Everything works and the installation is entirely Norwegian proof (I think I am an authority on the last issue since my last name ends in "...son" and the kit even worked perfectly for me)


Dave S

11-06-2008, 10:23 AM
Yes, much better idea...buy the kit from John.

11-06-2008, 02:49 PM

John has a perfect solution to the SkyStar fuel sight gauges. Above is a link to a photo of the replacement kit that comes with everything you need and is first class looking. Call John or Deb at 208-377-5111 to order a kit. Also call him if you're not sure weather you have the old SkyStar tubes or not.
The old SkyStar supplied sight tubes can and have turned brittle with age and of course will fail at the most inopertune time. Imagine one of your sight tubes failing at cruise altitude and fuel running down your shoulder. :eek:
Also at my airport , leaking fuel in the hangar would generate a visit from Haz Mat that would cost a couple thousand dollars at least. IF it caught fire I'd possibly be buying 14 aircraft and the hangar. The thought of this is why I replace all my fuel lines in the Kitfox every year and carry good insurance. Buy the kit before this happens. It's cheap insurance. :)

09-23-2012, 09:34 AM
I have the same problem with mine, but only the right wing has the fittings with the tubes. How di I install the brass barbed fittings, do i have to remove the old fittings where the tube get's in or can I insert the new fittings in the old ones, I'm affraid of damaging the tank when taking the old fittings out!

Greets from Germany!

09-23-2012, 01:57 PM
I bought the kit to ,,look nice ,,i see that when i coming back to my home next week,,,it's like a chrismas gift..lol:eek:

10-02-2012, 03:10 PM
So when I buy the whole kit, how do i install it?

Do the old connections stay in the tank or do I have to remove them, I'm affraid of breaking the tank while taking them out, I don't want to make it worse!!
