View Full Version : Kitfox 3 Fuel tank sealant pealing

11-26-2010, 02:48 PM
We hit a snag and wanted your opinion. The tank sealant used on the original kit back in the early 90's is pealing off in the tank. We used a video snake camera to look at it and it is basically pealing off in big white sheets.

Last week the youth chipped with a coat hanger as much as they could and then vacuumed all of the chips out. I am going to take some of the chips and see what chemicals work to dissolve them best in test tubes.

Currently the tanks are sealed inside the painted wing.

11-26-2010, 04:32 PM
You can either disolve with acetone or MEK. Rinse thouroughly several times until the mixture coming out is relatively clear and recoat with your choice of sealant. You will have to allow the solvent time to work while periodically rotating the tank/wing to allow it to soak in on all sides. Most people coat with the Kreme again as the actual cause of many tanks with this problem in the 90's wasn't the kreme. It was that they weren't rinsed well at the factory to begin with. I believe it was the fiberglass mold release agent that was still in the tanks. A proper rinse should allow the kreme to adhere correctly. With the tank in the wing you'll have to use more solvent to make sure you get good coverage at the angles you'll have to work with.