View Full Version : A day in the desert.

10-31-2010, 11:12 PM
Today was one of those great days in Arizona. 75 degrees and a hint of a breeze, maybe 5 mph and clear blue skies. Mic Theissen (wannafly) was in town on vacation. His first trip to Arizona. He'd been in contact with me for a while making plans to meet and maybe fly while he and his wife were in town.
Yesterday he spent some time with DanB at Dan's aircraft factory (garage) and viewed the progress on the model 4 project.
Today we got a chance to meet when I flew my model 4 into Chandler Airport. Mic met me in front of the terminal and we taxied down to the south end of the field to meet up with Phil (Desertfox1) and look over Phil's newly completed Kitfox.
E.T. and Dee (mr. and mrs. Desertfox6) flew their model 4 Speedster in also.

E.T. & Dee, Phil and Mic

After about an hour of visiting and admiring Phil's new Kitfox (photos and story soon) we said goodbye to Phil and launched as a two ship to go introduce Mic to Arizona desert flying. Mic took most of the photos today so I'll let him post the evidence of flight when he gets back to Lethbridge,Alberta Canada. Rumor has it he and his wife will be visiting the Grand Canyon this coming week so he may be sharing Canyon photos also.

We flew west to visit multiple desert landing strips owned by friends, then up to the home of the Desert Fox Squadron , Thunder Ridge Airpark.

Time to head back to Chandler and drop Mic off but not before the obligatory "river run".
A good day of flying, visiting friends, the chance to make a new friend and put a face with the name. On top of all that the chance to introduce another person to the beauty of the desert southwest. Yep, one of those keeper days.:D
Thanks Mic. It was great to meet you.

Thunder Ridge Airpark

Andrew G
11-01-2010, 05:03 AM
nice post... thanks...

11-01-2010, 09:55 AM
DesertFox4, thanks for the update and photos. Perfect flying weather. I need to get my Fox down there to "inspect the river run"!! And what's this about Papa's new _______?????????? We've got to have more info.

11-01-2010, 07:49 PM
my wife and I are off for a three day hike down into the Grande Canyon tomorrow so I thought I better reply just in case we turn into buzzard bait down in the canyon:eek:.
This was indeed a fantastic day of flying. It is so differant than what I am used to. The absolutely perfect flying day for weather wow...and if I were at home it would be close to freezing right now. To get the chance to meet Phil, ET, Dee, and Steve was a real treat to get to put the faces to the names. The river flying was great, wish I had my video going. To see Thunder ridge where the fly in happens in March sure helps to put things in perspective and also gives me one more thing to get on the "Bucket list". I have got to fly in to that event.
Thanks Steve for making time and effort and introducing me to some very fine people and the flying is the icing on the cake.:D